26 September 2023

Ambrose of Milan on wealth and poverty

Some time ago, I posted a passage from John Chrysostom, which illustrated quite graphically his view that the only good reason for wealth was to be able to give to the poor. But his attitude to wealth was by no means an outlier among the Fathers. Here, for example, are some things Ambrose of Milan has to say about wealth in his De Nabuthae historiaOn Naboth.

Who among the wealthy does not make every effort to drive the poor person out of his plot? (1.1)

The earth was established for all, rich and poor. Nature, which begets everyone poor, knows no wealth. (1.2)

The silk wrappings woven with gold in which the corpse of a rich person is clothed are losses to the living, and no help to the dead. (1.3)

How pious your fasting would be if you assigned to the poor what you spend on banqueting. (2.5)

How many die that pleasure be prepared for you! . . . A man fell from the roof, while he was working on a store for your grain. (5.20)

Exactions by the rich are forcing the poor to sell their children into slavery. (5.21)

In response to Jesus’ story about the rich man who decides to build himself bigger granaries to store his wealth (Luke 12:16–20), Ambrose comments: ‘The right thing for this man to do would be to open his granaries to the poor.’ (6.29)

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