04 December 2023

True civilization

Given the increasing prevalence of alt-right and white nationalist sentiments on blogs and websites that claim to be Orthodox, it seems good to share this quotation from St Tikhon of Moscow:

It is not civilization at all — which is shamefully preached by some — wherein the sole idea is that the white race must not only dominate the world, but must wipe out the other ‘colored’ races . . . True civilization consists in giving as many people as possible access to the benefits of life . . . Since all people originate from one man, all are children of one Heavenly Father; all were redeemed by the most pure blood of Christ, in Whom ‘there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free.’ All are brothers and must love one another — love one another not only in words, but in deeds as well. (From a sermon preached in San Francisco in June 1900)

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